Monday, January 13, 2014

How to identify whether your clothes need dry cleaning or not?

Dry cleaning is one of those services that we need to clean our expensive clothing. The cleaning staff makes use of special solvents, detergents and chemicals to clean clothes without water. This type of cleaning gives newer look to clothes by removing stains from them.

Not all clothing requires dry cleaning. Some of the clothes can be easily cleaned with water and detergents. Now, the question is how to identify whether your clothes need dry cleaning or not? Well, it is simple to indentify clothes that need specialized cleaning. Here are a few tips that will help you in simplifying your job.

Have a look at the care tags of the clothes. It is one of the easiest methods to identify clothes that only need dry cleaning.

After wearing your jackets and coats, air out your clothes in an open area to find whether these items have stains and bad odor or not. Identify clothing that needs immediate attention. You cannot dry clean jackets or coats after each time you wear, so after wearing them for several times, get them dry cleaned before you keep all your clothing in your wardrobe before arrival of summers.

Check the label for determining type of fabric used in manufacturing your clothing. For example, garments made from silk can only be dry cleaned. Cleaning silk garments with water will spoil their look.

Once you determine clothing that need specialized cleaning, then you must search for a reputed laundry dry cleaners.

The professional cleaners make use of several cleaning products and techniques to get the job done in an effective manner. You can have a look at some of the common cleaning products used by a cleaning company, they are as follows:


Solvents are used commonly for cleaning purposes. One of the common cleaning solvents that cleaners use is known as perchloroethylene. This solvent is not mixed with water as if this solvent and water are mixed together, they will produce hydrochloric acids.


The cleaners make use of several detergents along with solvents to remove stains and dirt from the fabric.

Spot cleaners

Before the fabrics are dry cleaned, spot cleaners are used for removing stubborn and hidden stains. There are different spot cleaners available for cleaning different types of fabrics.

Therefore, get your expensive clothing cleaned by professional cleaners.

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